Exploring Treta Yuga: The Second Yuga in Yuga cycle: The Most 3 Vishnu Avatar in Treta yuga

Treta Yuga

Welcome to the third article in our Yuga series, where we delve deep into the qualities, timelines, and various facets of the enigmatic Treta Yuga. Following the celestial era of Satya Yuga, the grand cosmic cycle leads us to Treta Yuga, spanning an astounding 1,296,000 human years. One intriguing peculiarity of the Yuga sequence is … Read more

Universe creation theories in Hinduism| How to create Universe in Hinduism theories in 4 Yugas

Universe creation theories in Hinduism

Universe creation theories in Hinduism Universe is such a mystery that mankind is always surprised to hear, how it was created and who is responsible for its creation in Hinduism? There are many theories about how the universe was created in the early period, such as a look at the creation of universe in Hinduism, … Read more